ASFA HOLDING Chairman of the Board of Directors, Philanthropist and Businessman Asaf ATASOY, published a message on the occasion of October 1st, International Day of Older Persons.
ASFA HOLDING Chairman of the Board of Directors Asaf ATASOY included the following statements in his message;
Our elders are our social memory that sheds light on our future with their experiences, knowledge and experience, builds a bridge between yesterday and today, and transmits our customs, traditions, culture and values to the future by keeping the past alive.
Our dear nation, with the education it receives from its religious and cultural values, has always approached our elders, who have made great efforts to bring us to these days of peace and prosperity, with love and respect; the feelings of gratitude, compassion and care shown to elders have always made their weight felt in our society.
Every opportunity provided for our elderly people to live in dignity, security and peace is an expression of our gratitude to our elders who spent most of their lives serving their country.
It is the duty of all of us as a society to make life easier for our elderly, who prepare us for these days and the future, to ensure that they live without being dependent on anyone, and to show them the necessary respect and care.
Raising new generations to be individuals who care for the elderly and show love and respect will ensure that our family ties are preserved, strong family relationships are developed, and that every member of society looks at life with confidence.
With these feelings and thoughts; I celebrate ‘October 1st International Day of Older Persons’ and I offer my respects to all our elders who have contributed to the beautiful and happy days we live in, with the wishes of health and well-being.
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